Hybrid Control of Autonomous Systems

HYCAS 2009 - 1st International Workshop on
Hybrid Control of Autonomous Systems
Integrating Learning, Deliberation and Reactive Control

HYCAS 2009 Workshop Programme

This is the final programme for the HYCAS 2009 workshop in Pasadena, CA, USA. This is Workshop 14 (W14) in the IJCAI-09 conference. The workshop venue is 207 (Upper Level) in the Conference Building of the Pasadena Convention Center. Please follow the local signs or ask a member of the conference staff for directions.

Monday, July 13 2009

8:15-8:30 Opening
8:30-10:00 Session I: Frameworks and Architectures
8:30-9:00 Self-Aware Robots — What do we need from Learning, Deliberation, and Reactive Control?
by Anet Potgieter, Alexander Ferrein and Gerald Steinbauer
9:00-9:30 Toward an Experimental Cognitive Robotics Framework
by Mehul Bhatt
9:30-10:00 Planning and Acting with an Integrated Sense of Space
by Nick Hawes, Hendrik Zender, Kristoffer Sjöö, Michael Brenner, Geert-Jan Kruijff and Patric Jensfelt
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Session II: Posters
  • Coverage Under Dead Reckoning Errors: A Hybrid Approach
    by Victor Shafran, Gal Kaminka, Sarit Kraus and Alcherio Martinoli
  • Extended Markov Tracking with Ensemble Actions
    by Zinovi Rabinovich and Nicholas Jennings
  • Hierarchical Activation Spreading: A design pattern for action selection
    by Michael Müller
  • Bridging the Gap Between Semantic Planning and Continuous Control for Mobile Manipulation Using a Graph-Based World Representation
    by Roland Philippsen, Negin Nejati and Luis Sentis
  • Approaches to Learning for Hybrid Dynamical Cognitive Agents
    by Eric Aaron and Henny Admoni
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:00 Session III: Planning and Execution
13:30-14:00 An Incremental Approach to Adaptive Integration of Layers of a Hybrid Control Architecture
by Matthew Powers and Tucker Balch
14:00-14:30 Towards a Hybridization of Task and Motion Planning for Robotic Architectures
by Julien Guitton and Jean-Loup Farges
14:30-15:00 Integrated Planning, Execution and Estimation for Robotic Exploration
by Conor McGann, Frédéric Py, Kanna Rajan and Angel Olaya
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:30 Session IV: Heuristic Reinforcement Learning
15:30-16:00 Application of a Heuristic Function in Reinforcement Learning of an Agent
by Anastasia Noglik, Michael Müller and Josef Pauli
16:00-16:30 On the Relation between Ant Colony Optimization and Heuristically Accelerated Reinforcement Learning
by Reinaldo A C Bianchi, Carlos H C Ribeiro and Anna H R Costa
16:30-17:30 Panel Discussion
17:30 Closing


Author of these pages: Nils T Siebel.
Last modified on Sun Nov 29 2009.
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